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1234yf Kryon® HFO yf in Bombola a Rendere 40 Lt / 35 Kg - 42 Bar T-PED - valvola 21,8 x 1/14 LH (adattatore con uscita attacco rapido alta pressione HP J2888 non incluso) - Foto 1
1234yf Kryon® HFO yf in Bombola a Rendere 40 Lt / 35 Kg - 42 Bar T-PED - valvola 21,8 x 1/14 LH (adattatore con uscita attacco rapido alta pressione HP J2888 non incluso) - Foto 2

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    0,5 IPCC
Conformément au nouveau
règlement Fgas (UE) 2024/573

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France Translation not Avaiabile
Kryon® HFO 1234yf: The ideal low Global Warming Potential refrigerant for mobile air conditioning and chillers
HFO 1234yf has been developed at Buffalo Research Laboratory by Honeywell Fluorochemicals with the aim of replacing R134a in motor vehicle air conditioning.
Its thermodynamic characteristics make HFO 1234yf very similar to R134a in performance, energetic efficiency and working pressures.
By using HFO 1234yf automobile manufacturers have been able to adapt easily systems working with R-134a, and achieve similar performance, sometimes even better; moreover HFO 1234yf was successfully introduced by leading manufacturers of latest generation chiller with high performance. Even compared to carbon dioxide - CO2, HFO 1234yf boasts a better energetic efficiency and a lower contribution to the total greenhouse effect (Direct Effect – Indirect Effect).
Its limited Direct Greenhouse Effect (GWP < 1 kg CO2) makes HFO 1234yf the best possible solution from an environmental point of view.
HFO 1234yf is used in air conditioner of new car models and, similarly to HFO1234ze belonging to the same family, also in high performance chillers.
Retrofitting R-134a to HFO 1234yf, is not possible, since HFO 1234yf is slightly flammable.
  • Cooling power similar to R-134a
  • Energetic efficiency similar to R-134a
  • Working pressures similar to R-134a
  • Low Global Warming Potential: LGWP
  • Low pressure refrigerant
  • Mild flammability (ASHRAE classification = A2L)
Recommended Lubricants:
HFO 1234yf is compatible with POE oils and PAG oils.


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